الأوضاع الاجتماعية للشطرة خلال الحكم البريطاني 1918- 1921




الكلمات المفتاحية:

British-Sri Lankan cooperation


يتناول هذا الموضوع الأوضاع الاجتماعية للشطرة خلال الحكم البريطاني 1918-1921  . جاء هذا البحث من أربعة مباحث أساسية : خصص المبحث الأول عن السياسة البريطانية وأثرها على طبيعة التركيب الاجتماعي في الشطرة . بينما تطرق المبحث الثاني عن التنظيمات الاجتماعية لعشائر الشطرة خلال الحكم البريطاني . وعالج المبحث الثالث اثر الطوائف الدينية غير المسلمة في الشطرة على الحياة الاجتماعية . وجاء المبحث الرابع والاخير ليتناول مظاهر الحياة الاجتماعية في الشطرة  من التعليم والصحة والأوقاف والألعاب الرياضية .

اعتمد البحث على مجموعة من المصادر المتنوعة وخاصة الوثائق البريطانية غير المنشورة والمنشورة . وكذلك الكتب العربية والمعربة والأجنبية وبعض المقالات المنشورة .

أن الهيمنة البريطانية على العراق أضفت أهميتها السياسية بصورة رئيسة على بعض العشائر بنسبة عالية هذا من جهة، ومن جهة أخرى ظهور شخصيات جديرة في هذه العشائر . ففي الشطرة ظهرت بعض الشخصيات على مسرح الزعامة العشائرية ، فنلاحظ ظهور أكثر من شيخ على زعامة عشيرة واحدة، وان بعض هذه الشخصيات تشعر بأنها حققت شيء ما لعشيرتها وأصبحت لها سمعتها بين العشائر


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


:First: The unpublished British documents:

F.O. 371 - 3407 X/M 07739, Report on the Administration of the Military Governorship of Nassiriyah from April Ist, 1916, to March 3lst, 1917, Revenue Basrah Wilayat. It is preserved in D.K.O., its subject: Various documents on Iraq, file sequence: 603, within London documents.

F.O.3713407 X/M 07739, Revinue Basrah Wailayt. It is preserved in D.K.O. under the title: Various documents on Iraq, file sequence: 306, within London documents.

C.O., 730- 150, 68568, X/M 08533, “Notes on the Tribes and Shaikhs of Shatrah District by Captain C.S.t. Berkeley, 14th December 1919”. It is preserved in D.K.O. within London documents, its title, Various documents on Iraq, file sequence: 414.

Second: The British occupation documents:

D.K.O. The documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 188, its subject monthly reports, and 1, p. 8.

D. K.O., the documentary unit: files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/209, file subject: Iraqi tribes, and 1, p. 125.

D.K.O., the documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism, and 1, p. 135.

D.K.O., the documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism, and 4, p. 126.

D. K.O., the documentary unit: files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/209, file subject: Iraqi tribes, and 45, p. 124.

D.K.O., the documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism, and 46, p. 125.

D.K.O., the documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism, and 46, p. 126.

D.K.O. The documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism, and 46, p. 127.

D.K.O., the documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism, and 46, p. 128.

D.K.O., the documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism, and 46, p. 129.

D.K.O., the documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism, and 46, p. 130.

The documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism, and 50, p. 138.

D.K.O. The documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism and 50, p. 139.

D.K.O., the documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism, and 50, p. 140.

D.K.O. The documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism, and 57, p. 156.

D.K.O., the documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism, and 57, p. 159.

D.K.O. The documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism, and 77, p. 158.

D.K.O. The documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/209, file subject: Iraqi tribes, opened on 11/7/1915 closed on 15/8/1921, and 78, p. 253.

D.K.O. The documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism, opened on 11/7/1915, closed on 15/8/1921, and 78, p. 254.

D.K.O. The documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism, opened on 11/7/1915, closed on 15/8/1921. and 77, p. 255.

D.K.O. The documentary unit, files of the British occupation, file sequence: 1056/ 209, file subject: Iraqi tribalism, opened on 11/7/1915, closed on 15/8/1921 and 78, p. 256.

Third: The published British documents:

“Great British, Reports of Administration for 1918 of Division and Districts of the Occupied Territories in Mesopotamia”, Vol. I.

“The Muntafik”, The Arab Bureau, Calcutta, 1917.

Fourth: The Arabic sources:

Abbas al-Azzawi, Tribes of Iraq, Vol. 4, Baghdad, 1956.

Abdul Razzaq al-Hilali, Education in Iraq in the Era of the British Occupation, Vol. 2, Baghdad.



كيفية الاقتباس

"الأوضاع الاجتماعية للشطرة خلال الحكم البريطاني 1918- 1921". 2023. مجلة اداب ذي قار 2 (43): 1-62. https://doi.org/10.32792/tqartj.v2i43.477.

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