العجائبي في النثر الإسلامي حديث خرافة اختياراً




الكلمات المفتاحية:

: The marvelous, prose, Arabic, old, myth


      يستهدف البحث نصَّ خرافة ، النص السردي الذي يعالج التحول والمسخ في ضوء دائرة العجائبي ، ويقف على أهم ملامحه، دارساً فيه المتغير المفاهيمي للعجائبي في ضوء الثقافة الإسلامية ، مستهدفاً المغذيات الثقافية التي تَعد حاضنة للمفهوم عبر معاينة المنجز التراثي العربي في ذلك ، راداً ذلك الى تقنية التخييل التي إستعملها المبدع العربي في نصوصه  ، والتي وضحت في ارتكازها في البعد المعجمي ، إذ لم تخلُ المعاجم العربية القديمة من الفاظ ، مثل العجيب والعجب العجاب ؛ لقد درس البحث الشخصيةَ ، والزمان ، والمكان ،  وحاول أن يلقي الضوء على فعالية السرد عبر الإشارة الى الشخصية الرئيسة ، والشخصية الثانوية ، سواء أكانت إنساناً أم حيواناً ، وقصد البحث الى تبيان الزمن العجائبي ، معالجاً فيه الإسترجاع والحذف ، كما أن البحث درس المكان وأنماطه في النص ، محللاً النظرة الكلية في النسيج السردي وراصداً أهم المتغيرات على جملة التحول فيه.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.

السيرة الشخصية للمؤلف

  • أ.م.د. حميد فرج عيسى ، كلية الآداب / جامعة ذي قار

    Received 6/6/2023,

    Accepted 5/8/2023  ,

    Published 30/9/2023.


The Quran

The Songs, Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani, edited by Dr. Ihsan Abbas, Dr. Ibrahim al-Saafin, Professor Bakr Abbas, Dar Sader, Beirut - Lebanon, without date

The Structure of the Narrative Text from the Perspective of Literary Criticism, Dr. Hamid Lahmoudani, 1st edition, publisher: Arab Cultural Center for Printing, Publishing and Distribution 1991

The Statement of Shahrazad: The Qualitative Formations of the Nights’ Images, Arab Cultural Center, Casablanca, 1st edition 2001:

The Crown of the Bride from the Jewels of the Dictionary, Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Abdul Razzaq al-Murtada al-Zubaidi, 2nd edition, Kuwait Printing House, without date

The History of Arabic Literature, The Pre-Islamic Era, Régis Blachère, translated by Ibrahim al-Kilani, Dar al-Fikr - Damascus, 1956

The Definition of the Marvelous Literature, Tzvetan Todorov, translated by Ahmed Munir, Al-Masaa’la Magazine, Issue 4, 5, Algeria 1993

The Diwan of Imru’ al-Qais, edited by Muhammad Abu al-Fadl Ibrahim, Dar al-Ma’arif, 4th edition, 1984

The Diwan of al-A’sha al-Kabir, explained and commented by Muhammad Muhammad Hussein, Al-Adab Library - Cairo, without date

The Time in the Arabic Novel, Maha al-Qasrawi: Arab Foundation for Studies and Publishing - Beirut, 2004

The Old Arabic Narrative: The Cultural Structures and the Problems of Interpretation, Dia al-Kaabi, Arab Foundation for Studies and Publishing, 1st edition, 2005

The Solace of the Narrative, A Study of the Book of Solace for the Followers in the Aggression of the Followers by Abu Abdullah bin Zafar al-Siqilli (d. 568 AH), Dr. Luay Hamza Abbas, A Monthly Cultural Series Issued by the House of General Cultural Affairs 2008

The Poetics of the Fantastic Novel, Shuaib Halifi, Al-Ikhtilaf Publications, 1st edition, 2009

Sahih Sunan Ibn Majah, Imam al-Hafiz Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Yazid al-Qazwini, compiled by Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani, 2nd edition, without date

The Fakhr, al-Mufaddal bin Salama bin Asim, Abu Talib, edited by Abdul Alim al-Tahawi, reviewed by Muhammad Ali al-Najjar, Dar Ihya al-Kutub al-Arabiyya, Isa al-Babi al-Halabi, 1st edition, 1380 AH

Islamic Thought, A Scientific Reading, Muhammad Arkoun, translated by Muhammad Hashim Saleh, Arab Cultural Center, 2nd edition, Beirut - Arab Development Center 1996

Lisan al-Arab, Muhammad bin Ali Abu al-Fadl Jamal al-Din bin Manzur al-Ansari, Dar Sader - Beirut, 3rd edition, 1414 AH

Majma’ al-Amthal, Abu al-Fadl Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Naysaburi al-Maydani, edited by Muhammad Muhyi al-Din Abd al-Hamid, without edition, Iran 1987

An Introduction to the Marvelous Literature, Tzvetan Todorov, translated by al-Sayyiq Boualam, introduced by Muhammad Barada, Dar al-Kalam, Rabat, 1st edition, 1993

Al-Mustadrak 'ala al-Sahihayn, Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, studied and verified by Mustafa Abd al-Qadir Ata, publisher: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya - Beirut, 1st edition, - 1990

Musnad al-Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, edited by Shu’ayb al-Arna’ut, Adel Murshid, and others, supervised by Dr. Abdullah bin Abd al-Muhsin al-Turki, Al-Risala Foundation, 1st edition, 2001

Al-Ma’arif by Ibn Qutaybah, Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Muslim, verified and introduced by: Dr. Tharwat Okasha, 4th edition, Dar al-Ma’arif 1969

Scientific journals:

• The Definition of the Marvelous Literature, Tzvetan Todorov, translated by Ahmed Munir, Al-Masaa’la Magazine, Issue 4, 5, Algeria 1993

• The Time of the Narrative Discourse between Structure and Meaning in the Novel The Savage Time by Haydar Haydar, Reda Ansa and Ali Asghar Qahramani (Research) Journal of Research in Arabic Language, Vol. 14, Issue 26, 2022

• The Mediated Writing by the Tongue of the Animal in the Arabic Culture / In the Symbolism of the Fable and its Techniques and Purposes, A. Amal Farfar, Journal of Human Sciences, Vol. A, Issue 42, December Algeria

Theses and dissertations:

• The Marvelous and its Narrative Formation in the Letter of the Followers and the Storms by Ibn Shahid al-Andalusi, and the Maqamat of Rukn al-Din al-Wahran, PhD dissertation, Fatima al-Zahra Atiya, Algeria / University of Muhammad Khidir - Biskra 2015 AD





الادب واللغة

كيفية الاقتباس

"العجائبي في النثر الإسلامي حديث خرافة اختياراً". 2023. مجلة اداب ذي قار 1 (43): 132-58. https://doi.org/10.32792/tqartj.v1i43.474.

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