الموقف الليبي من الاحتلال العراقي للكويت عام 1990م-1991م


  • ا.م.د علي جودة صبيح مركز دراسات البصرة والخليج العربي
  • م.م زينب شاكر عبد الرزاق مركز دراسات البصرة والخليج العربي



الكلمات المفتاحية:

العراق، الكويت، الجماهيرية الليبية، الاحتلال، الولايات المتحدة الامريكية


    شكل الاحتلال العسكري العراقي للكويت في 2 اب عام 1990م ، ازمة اقليمية ودولية جعلت الدول العربية والغربية تتعامل معها باهتمام كبير، نظرا لتأثيرها المباشر على امن منطقة الخليج العربي الذي ترتبط به المصالح الغربية، من هنا جاءت مواقف معظم دول العالم تجاه هذا الحدث المهم، ومنها موقف الجماهيرية الليبية النابع من سياستها الخارجية وعلاقاتها العربية والدولية وطرق تعاملها مع الازمات العربية والدولية لاسيما الازمة العراقية الكويتية .                   


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


First: encyclopedias

- Hassan Latif Kazem Al-Zubaidi, Encyclopedia of Iraqi Politics: Concepts- Events- Parties- Personalities, 2nd Edition, Al-Araf Publications, Beirut- Lebanon, 2013.

- Abd al-Wahhab al-Kayyali, Encyclopedia of Politics, Part 3, The Arab Institute for Studies and Publishing, Beirut - Lebanon.

- A group of scholars and researchers, The International Arab Encyclopedia, Part 16, The Encyclopedia Business Foundation for Publishing and Distribution, 1990, Edition 2.

- The war on Iraq - diaries - documents - reports 1990-2005, 1st edition, Center for Arab Unity Studies, 2007.

- Diaries and documents of the Arab Unity.

- Fouad Matar and others, Encyclopedia of the Gulf War, diaries, documents, facts, Arab Institute for Studies and Publishing, Beirut.

Second: Books //

- Ibrahim Mohamed Hassan, The International Conflict in the Arabian Gulf, The Iraqi Aggression Against Kuwait, Arab and International Dimensions and Results, 1st edition, Al-Sharah Al-Arabi Foundation in partnership with Ain for Human and Social Studies and Research, Kuwait, 1996.

- Pierre Salinger, Confuse Lausanne, The Lebanon War, The Secret File, 11th edition, Publications Company for Distribution and Publishing, Beirut, 1993.

- Hussein Khalaf Sheikh Khazal, Kuwait's Political History, Part 2, 1st Edition, Al-Hilal Library and House - Beirut.

- Hussein Majeed Abd Ali Al-Hasnawi, Iraqi-Kuwaiti Border Crises, 1st edition, Al-Basair Library and House - Beirut, 2013.

- Abdel-Azim Ramadan, The Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait in the Historical Balance, Al-Zahraa for Arab Media, Cairo, 1990.

- Muhammad Hassanein Heikal, The Gulf War - Delusions of Power and Victory, 1st Edition, Al-Ahram Center for Translation and Publishing, Cairo, 1992.

- Muhammad Al-Rumaihi, Echoes of the Kuwait War, Arab Reactions to the Invasion and its Aftermath, 1st Edition, Dar Al-Saqi, 1994.

- Henry Lawrence, The Great Game, The Contemporary Arab East and International Conflicts, 1st Edition, Dar Cordoba for Publishing, Documentation and Research, 1992.

- Walid Hamdi Al-Adhami, Saudi-American Relations and Gulf Security in Unpublished Documents, 1st Edition, Dar Al-Hikma, 1992.

Third: Letters and treatises //

- Draghi Dhouibi, The Second Gulf War 1990 AD-1991 AD (its repercussions and effects), an unpublished master's thesis, Mohamed Boudiaf University - M'sila, Algeria, 2016

- Karima Zuhdi Al-Qassas, The Iraqi occupation of Kuwait 1990-1991, an unpublished master's thesis, The Islamic University of Gaza, 2016.

- Maher Ali Ghazal Nimr Al-Obaidi, Libya’s Policy and its Position towards Iraq 1969-1991 AD, an unpublished master’s thesis, Girls’ College of Arts, Sciences and Education, Ain Shams University, 2015.

Fourth: Magazines //

- Hassan bin Othman and others, Al-Shazly Al-Qalibi, Farewell, Al-Hayat Al-Thaqafi magazine, Issue 307, 2020.

- Khaled Al-Saraji, The Roots of the Crisis between Iraq and Kuwait, International Policy Journal, Issue 102, 1999.

- The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait (a research symposium), introductions - facts and reactions - implications, Knowledge World Magazine, No. 195.

Fifth: Websites //

- independentarabiacom.com https;//www.

- BBC Arabic news https;//www.

- https;//www.bioguidecongress.

- https://www.afrigatenews.net.

- https://www.bbbc.com





محاور متفرقة

كيفية الاقتباس

"الموقف الليبي من الاحتلال العراقي للكويت عام 1990م-1991م ". 2022. مجلة اداب ذي قار 2 (40): 52-75. https://doi.org/10.32792/tqartj.v2i40.370.

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