اللثغة وأثرها في دخول بعض الألفاظ إلى المعجم العربيّ


  • أ . م . د . قاسم محمد كامل السعيدي جامعة ذي قار ـ كلية الآداب



الكلمات المفتاحية:

اللثغة ، اللغة ، المعجم ، لحن ، أصوات اللثغة



    وردت في كثير من دواوين اللغة بعض الألفاظ التي أشير إلى أنها لحن أو خطأ أو لغة رديئة أو لغية ، وغير ذلك ، ومن بينها ما أشير إلى أنه لثغة ، ذكروا ذلك في غالب الأحيان شاكين فيه، غير متأكدين من أمره ، وقد حاولت في هذا البحث أن أجمع النصوص التي أشير فيها إلى اللثغة ، ومحاكمتها إلى نصوص اللغة ، بعد الرجوع إلى أشهر كتبها ، وأوسعها مادة ، وأكثرها إحاطة ، لبيان أثرها في دخول بعض الألفاظ إلى المعجم ، وما حقيقة ذلك ؟ وما هي المساحة التي احتلتها في المعجمات العربية ؟ بعد تبويب ما وصل إلينا منها في أربع مجموعات ، شملت لثغة الأطفال ، واللثغة الطبيعية ، التي تعتري لسان البشر في مرحلة شبابه ، وبعدها ، واللثغة الطارئة لمتقدمي العمر ، ومن شابههم ، ممن سقطت أسنانه ، أو بعضها ، ولثغة الأعاجم ممن لم يعرفوا أصوات العربية ، ولم تتعود ألسنتهم النطق بها ، بعد التأكيد على المشهور في لثغة كل منهم ، مما أشارت إليه كتب السابقين ، ليتسنى لنا التمييز بين لثغة وأخرى على أساس علمي ، ثم حاولنا قدر الإمكان بيان ما هو لثغة مما هو لغة ، فالبحث لم يقم على إثبات اللثغة بل لبيان أثرها في اللغة ، أكان واسعا ممدودا ، أم ضيقا محدودا ، يشمل ألفاظا محدودة ، لا تستغرق كل ما وصل إلينا عنها ؟ لذا درس البحث كل لفظة على حدة ، ومن ثم خلص إلى نتيجةِ أنها لغة أو لثغة ، وربما غير ذلك ، أو تحتمل الأمرين بناء على قوانين الإبدال الصوتي ، فكلاهما إبدال ، ولكن الإبدال الصوتي يجري وفق قوانين علم الأصوات بسبب اشتراك الصوتين في المخرج ، أو الصفة ، أو تقاربهما ، أما اللثغة ، فسببها إبدال طارئ ؛ وذلك لعجز اللسان أن يأتي بالصوت من مخرجه الصحيح لعلة في جهاز النطق ، فيتجافى إلى موضع قريب منه أو يشبهه 


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


• The Holy Quran

News of Al-Zarraf and Al-Matmanin, by Abu al-Faraj Abd al-Rahman bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Abdullah Ibn al-Jawzi (d. 597 AH), presented and commented by: Muhammad Bahr al-Ulum, Publications of the Haidariyyah Library, Al-Ghari Modern Press, Najaf, second edition, 1368 AH - 1967 AD.

The Lion of the Forest in the Knowledge of the Companions, by Izz al-Din Ibn al-Atheer, Abi al-Hasan Ali bin Muhammad al-Jazari (d. 630 AH), investigation: Sheikh Muhammad Ali Moawad, and Sheikh Abdul Mawjud, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiya, Beirut, Lebanon.

The injury in distinguishing the Companions, by Imam Al-Hafiz Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Hajar Al-Asqalani (d.

Linguistic sounds, d. Ibrahim Anis, Nahdt Misr Library, Nahdt Misr Press.

Al-Targht fi Usul al-Nahwah, by Jalal al-Din Abd al-Rahman bin Abi Bakr al-Suyuti (d. 911 AH), investigation: Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Qassem, Al-Saada Press, Cairo, 1976.

Imam Shu’bah bin Al-Hajjaj and the issues criticized against him and their impact on his narration, via Al-Nasser Abdel-Latif, PhD thesis, College of Fundamentals of Religion, Islamic University, Islamabad, 1431 AH - 2010 AD.

Statement and Explanation, by Abu Othman Amr bin Bahr Al-Jahiz (150-255 AH), investigation: Abd al-Salam Muhammad Haroun, Dar Al-Jil, Beirut.

The Crown of the Bride from the Jewels of the Dictionary, by Sayyid Mortada Al-Husseini Al-Zubaidi (d. 1145-1205 AH), investigation: Abdullah Al-Alayli, Abd Al-Sattar Muhammad Farraj and others, Arab Heritage Series, Ministry of Information, Kuwait, second edition, 1407 AH - 1987 AD.

The arrangement of the book Al-Ain by Khalil bin Ahmed Al-Farahidi (d. 175 AH), investigation: Dr. Mehdi Makhzoumi and d. Ibrahim Al-Samarrai, corrected by Mr. Ahmed Al-Tayyib, Aswa publications, first edition, 1414 AH.

The supplement, appendix, and link to the book Taj al-Lughah wa Sahih al-Arabiya, by al-Hasan bin Muhammad bin al-Hasan al-Saghani (d.

Tahdheeb Al-Lugha, by Abu Mansour Muhammad bin Ahmad Al-Azhari (282-370 AH), investigation: Professor Abd al-Salam Muhammad Haroun and others, the Committee for Authoring, Translation and Publishing, 1967 and beyond.

Jamharat al-Lughah, by Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Duraid al-Azdi (223-321 AH), investigation: Dr. Ramzi Mounir Baalbaki, House of Knowledge for Millions, Beirut, Lebanon, first edition, 1987.

Letters, by Abi Nasr Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Tarkhan Al-Farabi (260-339 AH), investigation: Mohsen Mahdi, Dar Al-Mashreq, Beirut, 1970 AD.

Characteristics, by Abu al-Fath Uthman ibn Jinni (d. 392 AH), investigation: Muhammad Ali al-Najjar, Egyptian Book House Press, Cairo, 1371 AH - 1952 AD.

Al-Kindi's Treatise on Lisp, by Abu Yusuf Yaqoub bin Ishaq Al-Kindi (d. 260 AH), investigation: Dr. Muhammad Hassan Al-Tayan, Journal of the Arabic Language Complex, Damascus, Vol. 60, Part 3, 1405 AH - 1985 CE.

Subul al-Salam, by Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Kahlani al-Sana'ani (1182 AH), Mustafa al-Babi al-Halabi Library, fourth edition, 1379 AH - 1960 CE.

Biography of the Flags of the Nobles, by Shams al-Din Abi Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Uthman al-Dhahabi (d. 748 AH), investigation: a group of investigators, Al-Risala Foundation, 1422 AH - 2001 AD.

Poetry and Poets, by Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Muslim bin Qutaybah al-Dinuri (213-271 AH), reviewed and prepared its indexes: Muhammad Abd al-Munim al-Urban, Dar Ihya al-Ulum, Beirut, third edition, 1406 AH - 1986 AD.

Al-Sihah fi al-Lugha, and Taj al-Arabiyya, by Ismail bin Hammad al-Jawhari (d.

Layers of Poets, by Abu al-Abbas Abdullah ibn al-Mu'taz (247-296 AH), investigation by Abd al-Sattar Ahmed Farraj, The Arab Relics Series, Dar al-Ma'arif in Egypt, Cairo, second edition, 1968 AD.

Al-Tiraz Al-Awwal and Al-Tanaz because of what is on it from the Arabic language, by Sayyid Ali bin Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Masum Al-Husseini Al-Madani, known as Ibn Masum Al-Madani (d. 1120 AH), investigation: Ahl Al-Bayt Foundation, peace be upon them.

Al-Abab Al-Zakher and Al-Lab Al-Fakher, by Al-Hassan bin Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Saghani (577-650 AH), investigation: Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Al Yassin, Ministry of Culture and Information, Dar Al-Rasheed for Publishing, Baghdad, Dar Al-Talee’ah for Printing and Publishing, Beirut, 1981 AD, Part One, investigation: Dr.. Vir Muhammad Hassan, Iraqi Council Press, first edition, 1398 AH - 1978 AD.

The unique contract, by Abu Omar Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Abd Rabbo Al-Andalusi (d. 328 AH), investigation: Dr. Ahmed Amin and others, Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi, Beirut, Lebanon, Composing, Translation and Publishing Committee Press, Cairo, 1385 AH - 1960 AD.

Disadvantages of Speech: A Study of the Disadvantages of Speech among Arab Linguists, d. And Sumaya Al-Mansour, Annals of the College of Arts, Kuwait University, Seventh Yearbook, 1406 AH - 1986 AD.

Language jurisprudence, by Abi Mansour Abd al-Malik bin Muhammad bin Ismail al-Tha’alabi al-Nisaburi (429 AH), investigation by Dr. Omar Al-Tabbaa, Dar Al-Arqam Bin Abi Al-Arqam Company for Printing, Publishing and Distribution, Lebanon, Beirut, first edition, 1420 AH - 1990 AD.

Al-Fihrist by Ibn al-Nadim, Abi al-Faraj Muhammad ibn Abi Yaqoub, Ishaq al-Ma’ruf al-Warraq (d. 385 AH), investigation: Reza Tajdad, Daneshkah Press, Tehran, 1395 AH - 1979 CE.

Al Muheet Dictionary, for Majd al-Din Muhammad ibn Yaqoub al-Fayrouzabadi (729-817 AH), prepared and presented by: Muhammad Abd al-Rahman al-Maraashli, Dar Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi, Beirut, Lebanon, second edition, 1424 AH - 2003 AD.

Al-Kamil in Language and Literature, by Abu al-Abbas Muhammad ibn Yazid al-Mubarrad (d. 285 AH), investigation: Muhammad Abu al-Fadl Ibrahim, Dar al-Fikr al-Arabi, Cairo.

The book, by Abu Bishr Amr bin Othman bin Qanbar, nicknamed Sebawayh (d. 180 AH), investigation: Abd al-Salam Muhammad Harun, Al-Khanji Library in Cairo, Dar Al-Rifai in Riyadh, Dar Al-Jeel for Printing, second edition, 1402 AH - 1982 AD.

Lisan al-Arab, by Abi al-Fadl Jamal al-Din Muhammad ibn Makram ibn Manzoor the African Egyptian (d.

The Total Language, by Abi Al-Hussein Ahmed bin Fares bin Zakariya (d. 395 AH), reviewed and verified its origins: Muhammad Tohme, the Arab Heritage Revival House, Beirut, Lebanon, first edition, 1426 AH - 2005 AD.

Advantages and Opposites, by Abu Othman Amr bin Bahr Al-Jahiz (150-255 AH), presented to him and explained by: Dr. Ali Abu Muslim, Al-Hilal Library House, Beirut, Lebanon, 1996 AD.

The Arbitrator and the Great Ocean, by Ali bin Ismail bin Sayeda (458 AH), investigation: Mustafa Al-Sakka, and others, Mustafa Al-Babi Al-Halabi and Sons Company in Egypt, first edition, 1377 AH - 1958 AD.

Mukhtar Al-Sahih, by Muhammad bin Abi Bakr bin Abdul Qadir Al-Razi (border of the year 700 AH), Lebanon Library, Beirut, 1986 AD.

Al-Mukhaddas, by Ali bin Ismail bin Sayeda (458 AH), Amiriya Printing House, Bulaq, 1321 AH - 1904 AD.

Al-Mizhar in Language Sciences and its Types, by Jalal al-Din Abd al-Rahman bin Abi Bakr al-Suyuti (d. 911 AH), explanation and commentary: Muhammad Abu al-Fadl Ibrahim and others, the Modern Library, Beirut, Lebanon, 1430 AH - 2009 AD.

Al-Ma'arif, by Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Muslim bin Qutaybah al-Dinuri (213 AH - 276 AH), investigation: Tharwat Okasha, Al-Sharif Al-Radi Publications, Qom, first edition, 1415 AH - 1437 AH.

Language Standards, by Abu al-Hussein Ahmed bin Faris bin Zakariya (d. 395 AH), investigation: Abd al-Salam Muhammad Haroun, Mustafa al-Babi al-Halabi Library and Sons Company, Egypt, third edition, 1389 AH - 1969 CE.

Lexicon of Matn Al-Lugha, by Sheikh Ahmed Reda Al-Amili, Dar Al-Hayat Library, Beirut, 1377 AH - 1958 AD.

Al-Mu’jam Al-Waseet, it was produced by: Ibrahim Mustafa, and others, Dar Al-Da’wa, Istanbul, 1410 AH - 1989 AD.

The chosen one is from the ills of the defects, by Imam Muwaffaq al-Din Abd al-Rahman bin Ahmad, the well-known as Ibn Qudama al-Maqdisi (541-652 AH), investigation and commentary: Abi Moaz Tariq bin Awad Allah bin Muhammad, Dar Al-Raya for publication and distribution, Riyadh - Jeddah, first edition, 1419 AH - 1998 AD .

Al-Munajjid in Language, Louis Maalouf, Insharat Dhu al-Qurabi, Al-Ghadeer Press, fourth edition, 1423 AH - 1381 AH.

Encyclopedia of the Sayings of Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal in Rijal al-Hadith and its Illnesses, compiled and arranged by: Al-Sayyid Abu Al-Maati Al-Nouri and others, Alam Al-Kutub, Beirut, Lebanon, first edition, 1417 AH - 1997 AD.





محاور متفرقة

كيفية الاقتباس

"اللثغة وأثرها في دخول بعض الألفاظ إلى المعجم العربيّ". 2022. مجلة اداب ذي قار 2 (40): 1-51. https://doi.org/10.32792/tqartj.v2i40.369.

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