الصحافة اللبنانية المعارضة للفرنسيين عام1943: جريدة (??)علامتي الاستفهام انموذجا


  • أ.م.د. حسين عبد الحسين عباس الزهيري كلية الامام الكاظم(ع)/ اقسام ذي قار
  • ا.م.د حيدر عبد العالي جبر جامعة ذي قار ـ كلية الآداب https://orcid.org/0009-0001-8617-6220



الكلمات المفتاحية:

الصحافة اللبنانية ، الرأي العام ، السلطات الفرنسية


مارست الصحافة اللبنانية دوراً كبيراً في توجيه الرأي العام اللبناني؛ بوصفها الناقل الوحيد للأحداث والتطورات السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية في لبنان، لذا فإن هذه الصحافة التي تعود جذورها إلى منتصف القرن التاسع عشر، استطاعت بفضل خبراتها الواسعة من السيطرة على اللبنانيين بمختلف توجهاتهم وميولهم ومذاهبهم، وتمكن رجال الصحافة من تشكيل معارضة قوية للتوجهات الفرنسية، لاسيما أبان أزمة الحادي عشر من تشرين الثاني1943، الأمر الذي انعكست اثاره بصورة جلية على تطورات الموقف السياسي اللبناني بصورة عامة، وعلى الفرنسيين بصورة خاصة. إن موضوع الصحافة اللبنانية المعارضة للفرنسيين، لم يتطرق إليه الباحثون سابقاً في دراساتهم الاكاديمية والعلمية، وهو ما يجعل له أهمية كبيرة لتسليط الأضواء عليه، وهنا تكمن اهمية الموضوع.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


First: the unpublished Iraqi documents

• Iraqi Books and Documents House (DKW)

• Dr. KW, file 366/311, reports of the Iraqi delegation in Beirut to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, confidential, subject: the repercussions of the Lebanese crisis, 11/13/1943.

Second: The published Arabic documents

- Minutes of the Lebanese Parliament (M.N.)

• MN, Fifth Legislative Round, Second Ordinary Contract, Third Session, held on November 8, 1943.

- Arab Documentation House (D.A.O.)

• d.p. And, Lebanon's System of Government: Executive Branch and Administrative Division, L-1101.

- The Official Gazette of the Lebanese Republic

• The Official Gazette of the Lebanese Republic, Distribution of Parliament Chairs between Governorates and Allocating These Chairs to Different Sects, Issue 4086, Beirut, 06/23/1943.

Third: American documents

- F.U.R.S, 890 E00/176. Telegram from the minister in Egypt, (kirk) to the secretary of state, CAIRO, 11, November, 1943, Vol. IV.

- F.U.R.S.890 E/184: Telegram from the charge in Iraq, (Gaudin) to the Secretary of State, BAGHDAD, 13 November, 1943, Vol. IV.

- F.U.R.S. 890 E00/184: Telegram from the Secretary of state to the charge in Iraq, (Gaudin), Washington, 18, November, 1943, Vol.1.

- F.U.RS, 890 E00/201: Telegram from the consul general at Algiers, wiley to the Secretary of State, 25, November, 1943, V1.

Fourth: Theses and Dissertations

- Asaad Saadoun Abdelali, Iraq’s position on the independence and evacuation movements in Lebanon (1943-1946), an unpublished master’s thesis, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Islamic University of Lebanon, Khalde, 2012.

- Thamer Enad Turki Fahd Al-Mahlawi, Political Parties in Lebanon 1920-1958 “Historical Study”, unpublished MA thesis, College of Arts, University of Anbar, 2010.

- Hussein Abd al-Hussein Abbas al-Zuhairi, Shiites and their political role in Lebanon 1920-1958, unpublished doctoral thesis, College of Education, Wasit University, 2016.

- Hamad Hassan Abdullah Tarfa Al-Jubouri, The Lebanese Phalange Party and its Political Role 1970-1989, an unpublished MA thesis, College of Education, Tikrit University, 2012.

- Aref Abdel-Hussein Abbas Al-Fatlawi, Pierre Gemayel and his political role in Lebanon 1905-1984, unpublished MA thesis, College of Education for Human Sciences, University of Babylon, 2014.

- Aday Ibrahim Majeed Houran Al-Janabi, Camille Chamoun and his political role in Lebanon 1900-1987, unpublished MA thesis, College of Arts, University of Anbar, 2011.

- Fadel Hayef Kazem Gharbi Al-Sultani, Saeb Salam and his political role in Lebanon until 2000, unpublished MA thesis, College of Education for Human Sciences, University of Babylon, 2014.

- Maher Muhammad Ali Muhammad Al-Khalili, Intellectual Currents in Lebanon 1943-1952, an unpublished MA thesis, College of Arts, University of Baghdad, 2009.

- Majid Hamid Abbas Al-Hadrawi, The Lebanese Journal of Al-Irfan, a study of its intellectual trends and positions on political developments in Lebanon 1936-1960 AD, published doctoral thesis, College of Arts, University of Kufa, 2011.

- Muhammad Radhiwi Fajr Muhammad al-Hamidawi, The Lebanese Political Crisis of 1943 and the International Position on it, an unpublished MA thesis, College of Education, Dhi Qar University, 2010.

- __________________ Maronites and their political role in Lebanon 1958-1920, unpublished doctoral thesis, College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, 2015.

- Nada Shehab Muhammad al-Muhammadi, The Political Role of Sami al-Solh in Lebanon (1942-1968), an unpublished MA thesis, College of Education for Human Sciences, University of Anbar, 2013.

- Yasser Hamad Khalifa Dayeh Al-Mahlawi, Emile Eddeh and his political role in Lebanon until 1949, an unpublished master's thesis, College of Arts, University of Anbar, 2014.

Fifthly: Arabic and Arabized books

- Ahmad Al-Zein (prepared), discussions of the Lebanese constitution and its amendments 1926-1990, the Lebanese Parliament, Beirut, 1993.

- Anwar Al-Khatib, The State and Political Systems: The Constitution of Lebanon, Part Two, Part 3, Beirut, 1970.

- Badr Al-Din Abbas Al-Khossi and others, The Lebanese issue in its modern and contemporary history, Biblion House and Library, Cairo, 1978.

- Bechara El Khoury, Lebanese Facts, Part 2, Beirut, 1960.

- The Lebanese Association for Political Science, a set of basic documents related to the Lebanese political system, Beirut, 1968.

- Hassan Hallaq, Encyclopedia of Beirut Families, Beirut, 2007.

- Khaled Melki, Lebanese Constitutional Documents since 1860, Beirut, d.

- Robert Fisk, The Woes of the Nation of Middle Eastern Conflicts and the Lebanon War, 17th Edition, Beirut, 2005.

- Zain Noureddine Zain, The International Conflict in the Middle East and the Birth of the States of Syria and Lebanon, Dar Al-Nahar, Beirut, 1971.

- Suad Raouf Sher Muhammad, Nuri Al-Saeed and his role in Iraqi politics until 1945, reviewed by Kamal Mazhar Ahmed, Beirut, 1988.

- Suleiman Taqi Al-Din, The sectarian issue in Lebanon, Beirut, d.T.

- Shams Al-Din Al-Kilani, Shifts in the Attitudes of the Syrian Elites towards Lebanon (1920-2011), Doha, 2012.

- Salah Aboushi, Modern History of Lebanon - Through 10 Heads of Government, Beirut, 1989.

- Atef Abu Imad, Prince Majid Arslan, London, 2009.

- Adnan Mohsen Daher and Riad Ghannam, The Lebanese Parliamentary Dictionary, Beirut, 2007.

- Adnan Mohsen Daher and Riad Ghannam, The Lebanese Ministerial Dictionary, Biography and Translations of the Ministers of Lebanon 1922-2008, Beirut, 2008.

- Adnan Mohsen Daher and Riad Ghannam, Dictionary of Lebanon’s Rulers and Presidents 1840-2008, Beirut, 2012.

- Esmat Al-Saeed, Nuri Al-Saeed: The Statesman and the Man, London, 1992.

- Farah Amin Al-Quzi, The Role of the Najada Party in Lebanese Politics 1936-1975, Beirut, 2019.

- Masoud Daher, Lebanon Independence Charter Formula, Beirut, 1977.

- Munir Taqi Al-Din, Al-Jalaa: Dangerous Documents Published for the First Time, 2nd Edition, Beirut, 1997.

- Naim M Ghabgab, Naim Maghgab, who raised the flag of independence: Political events from 1920 to 1960, Volume 4, Beirut, 2012.

- Nikolai Hofha Nesian, The Liberation Struggle in Lebanon 1939-1958, Arabization of Bassam Andoban, Dar Al-Farabi, Beirut, 1974.

- Hoda Rizk, The Making of Political Elites in Lebanon 1992-2009: Circumstances, Laws, and Results, Beirut, 2011.

- Henry Abu Fadel and Lulu Saiba, Orthodox Flags in Lebanon, Beirut, 1995.

- Helena Cuban, Lebanon, 400 Years of Sectarianism, Arabization of Samir Atallah, High Light Publications, London, 1985.

- Youssef Asaad Dagher, Dictionary of the Lebanese Press, 1858-1974, Beirut, 1975.

- Youssef Kazma Khoury (prepared), Lebanon Press Blog, supervised and edited by Youssef Hussein Ibish and Kosuji Yasushi, Beirut, 2003.

- Younan Labib Rizk, The History of Egyptian Ministries 1878-1953, 2nd Edition, General Book Organization, 1998.

Sixth: Research and Studies

- Al-Tadamon (magazine), London, from the British Foreign Office: The Lebanese Independence Papers, No. 278, 1988.

- Solidarity, from the British Foreign Office... The Lebanese Independence Papers, No. 281, 1988.

- Hussein Abd al-Hussein Abbas al-Zuhairi, Habib Abu Shahla, a study of his political positions in Lebanon 1937-1957, College of Education (magazine), College of Education for Human Sciences, Wasit University, Volume 1, Number 46, 2022.

- Parliamentary Life (magazine), “Precedent” Dismissal of a Deputy from the Public Prosecution, Vol. 10, Lebanese Parliament, Beirut, 1994.

- __________________ Editing the Constitution from the Mandate Authority, Vol. 25, Lebanese Parliament, Beirut, 1997.

- __________________, Statement of the First Independence Government, Vol. 22, Lebanese Parliament, Beirut, 2007.

- Saqr Youssef Saqr, Sabri Hamadeh: Arabi believed in his Lebaneseness and demanded the abolition of political sectarianism, Information (magazine), Beirut, No. 67, 2009.

- Abd al-Amir Mohsen al-Asadi, Sheikh Beshara al-Khoury from presidency to arrest - a study in the Lebanese-French crisis in 1943 AD, International Politics (magazine), College of Political Science, Al-Mustansiriya University, No. 1, 2005.

- Muhammad Rajai Rayan, The Lebanese Political Crisis of 1943 in the Light of British Documents, Arab Historian (magazine), Union of Arab Historians, Baghdad, No. 40, 1989.

- __________________, The November political crisis in Lebanon in 1943 and Britain's position on it, Yarmouk Research (magazine), Yarmouk University, Amman, Vol. 8, No. 3, 1992.

- Nihad Hashisho, Riad Al-Solh Al-Mithaqi, who was assassinated, pledged with Beshara Al-Khoury on Lebanon’s independence and its Arab face, Information, Beirut, No. 61, 2008.

Seventh: The newspapers

- Al-Diyar (newspaper), Beirut.

- Iraq (newspaper), Baghdad.

- ?? (newspaper), Beirut.

- ?(newspaper), Beirut. It is a fake number.

Eighth: Internet sites

- Rima Selim Doumit, Memory of Independence: Lebanon between November 11 and 22, 1943, Army Magazine, Beirut, Issue 222, December 2003: www.lebarmy.gov.lb

- Sayyar Al-Jameel, Women and Men: Memories of a Witness to Vision, Al-Araby Al-Jadeed (magazine), Sunday October 26, 2014 http://www.alaraby.co.uk

- Charles de Gaulle: https://ar.wikipedia.org

- The Cultural Center for Research and Documentation, Zuhair Oseiran Al-Naqib, journalist and activist, 10-22-2010, http://markazthakafisaida.org

م. د حيدر عبد العالي جبر. (2018). العلاقات الأميركية-التايلاندية 1833-1945. مجلة كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية-جامعة ذي قار, 8(2).‎





الدراسات التاريخية

كيفية الاقتباس

"الصحافة اللبنانية المعارضة للفرنسيين عام1943: جريدة (??)علامتي الاستفهام انموذجا ". 2022. مجلة اداب ذي قار 1 (38). https://doi.org/10.32792/tqartj.v1i38.323.

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